Friday, 16 December 2016

Reasons To Write And Start Your Own Blog

I think everyone should have a blog, it may be personal or company focused or it may be anything like about food, fitness. Whether you want it to be specific to the industry you are in or a lifestyle blog, start one.

everything has its own reasons behind it..well I recommend that u must write a blog, not because I said so.Reasons I found to start my own blog:-

  1. Palliate: - Whenever I sit down to write a blog, I am able to write my thoughts, my perspective on some certain topics. Even if no one reads that, I was able to put my opinion so that if someone was going through that part of life can feel relaxed n it may help them that they are not alone.
  2. Preparation: - when I talk about some blog, Firstly I research on that topic like how people think about that thing and how I can differ from them to make my points out. Take the time to educate your readers. There will always be someone else who has written on the same thing. Be sure you offer your point of view and how it differs from others.
  3. Pleasure: - It really is fun to write something about yourself, Your life and then publish it so everyone can also feel that thing. I don't have any idea about how far my blog is going, Or how many people are going to reach it.
  4. Visibility: - It takes the time to build an audience, So don’t be discouraged. If you are smart about how you push your blog, You can gain a lot of visibility once it's written. By using your personal social media channels like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn you can drive traffic to your blog site easily. Even you can use youtube to drive traffic by posting your blog address on someone's blog video.
  5. Courage: - It takes some serious guts to put your thoughts out there for all to read. By allowing others to read your thoughts and detailed analysis, You are building character. It isn’t always easy to take the feedback that others give us and look at it constructively, However, that is how we learn and grow.
I really do cheer and encourage you all to start you blog soon. 
No matter what happens in my life, I will surely write a blog every fortnight.